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Do I have to sign up online?
No, you can also sign up by contacting us at 519-619-0907!

Do we offer any other payment methods?
Yes, we do offer other payment methods. If you cannot pay through through any of our methods online, please give us a call at 519-619-0907 and we will get things sorted out for you.

Do you offer bi-weekly cleanings?
Yes, we do offer bi-weekly cleanings. Please give us a call at 519-619-0907 or send us an email and we will assist you through the signing up process.

Do I have to be home when you come?
No, you definitely do not have to be home when we come! As long as we have access to your yard so we can clean it, you do not need to be home.

How do I cancel my subscription?
Please send us an email at or give us a call at 519-619-0907 if you would like to cancel your subscription!

Do you take the poop with you?
Yes, we take the poop with us. You do not have to worry about it!

What if the weather is bad?
We work in almost all weather conditions. In certain instances when the weather is very bad, we will move your cleaning to the next scheduled weekday or possibly the weekend to ensure your yard is clean.

What about leaves or snow in winter?
We will try our very best to collect all of the waste in your yard, even if there is snow or leaves partially covering it. This being said, obviously we could miss some waste under certain circumstances. Please be reasonable as we will always take the time and try our best to give you the highest level of service.

Should I unlock my gate or leave a key?
Yes, please unlock your gate or leave a key on your service day. In our client form, you will be asked about this so please let us know! This allows us to provide the best service to you and keep your backyard clean and tidy.

Can we work with your dog inside the yard?
Yes, we can work with your dog inside the yard. If you know your dog is not good with visitors, please do not leave them out! Otherwise, our workers are very friendly and love dogs.

What if I want to skip a week?
If you would like to skip a week, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance of your scheduled cleaning day. We will reimburse you for the week that you did not receive cleaning.

Is there a contract needed?
There is no contract needed. We simply bill you at the beginning of each service month in advance. If you would like to cancel, please send us an email or give us a call at 519-619-0907.

When is my payment collected?
We collect payments every four weeks at the beginning of your service month. If you signed up on march 15th, you would be billed the 15th of every month until you decide to cancel. We collect payments for each four weeks in advance.

Do we take any holidays off?
Currently, we do not take any holidays off. You do not need to worry about us not coming on holidays as we will always have somebody who will be able to work!

How can I contact you?
Feel free to contact us via email at You can also call us at 226-238-4330.

When do you come to service our yard?
When you sign up, we will notify you through a confirmation email the day that your yard will be serviced each week. Every weekend, our workers work from 8AM to 6PM, so your yard will always be cleaned somewhere within this time window.

What areas do you offer your service within?
We currently only offer services within London, Ontario. If you are in the London surrounding area (Komoka, Dorchester, Ingersoll etc.), we may be able to service you as well. If this is the case, please give us a call and we can discuss your service options.

How do I know when you are coming?
When you sign up for weekly cleanings or a one time cleaning, you will receive a confirmation email the same day. This email will contain your weekly service day and the starting date of the services. As mentioned above, our hours are 8:30AM to 1PM, so we will always come within that time frame.

Do you offer services for commercial properties?
Yes, we offer services for commercial properties. Please give us a call at 519-619-0907 for more information.

Is there an extra charge if I forget to unlock the gate?
The first time you forget to unlock the gate, there is no extra charge. After that, you will be charged as if we performed the cleaning. Please remember to unlock the gate!

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